Day 2 of creating smiles.give something beyond expectation to the labour class!
I woke up to a home still smelling like a temple...only it was time to uncreate all that was created with so much of love just the previous day...isn't this what life is all about?
Flowers to be taken down, Bedsheets to be removed and washed, carpets to be folded,huge vessels to be washed, rooms requiring and swabbing, it takes an extreme amount of behind the scenes labour to keep things just as they are. I am lucky to have a fantastic Man Friday to help me in keeping our home clean. And the best smile I got today was when I gave him a hefty tip for the extra work done...this may not have been a big amount for me but for him it was about 25% of his monthly salary!
Do we spare an extra thought for the amount of physical hard work that is done by people who work for us? I could happily sleep during the day to make up for the over exertion at the previous day's function...but a lot of labour class people in this world barely have time to recover from their physical exhaustion.
You must be know so many workers who toil for more than 12 hours a day...from washing cars, sweeping, swabbing, cleaning etc. When survival is at stake where is even the time to smile? The least we can do is to see them smile with unexpected useful gifts.
Dear reader, I ask you to spare a thought for the people who work for you...your maid servant, driver, car washer, etc. they may not be perfect but neither are you if I ask your boss! Yet how much would you smile if got 25% of your monthly salary as an unexpected gift?
See how easy it is to create smiles today. Do let me know what smiles you got from labour class by giving them unexpected useful gifts today.